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Friday, November 18, 2011

From "Upon Release" by Glenn Langohr

Narcotic detective Pincher looked in his rearview and saw the same black Lincoln Town car a few cars back when his phone vibrated a new text message. He looked: YOU OWE FOR WHAT YOU WERE SHORT LAST TIME! MAKE IT RIGHT!

From the passenger seat of the Town car Chuco asked, “Veto, what are we going to do about this pinche detective Pincher for ripping us off? The pinche guava pinched out of our ounce of heroin!”
Veto glanced at his youngster’s animated face and laughed. “Kick back L’il hommie. Detective Pincher might have shorted us some dope but look at the big picture. We have a narcotic detective who steals dope from the evidence locker who is addicted to heroin.”

Pincher took off his gang and narcotic task force Rampart Division jacket and secured his 9mm in a lock box before entering the evidence room. He thought about his transfer from Orange County to the LA Rampart division. He laughed at how it took a year to escape the investigation from internal affairs that allowed him freedom from the job and a paycheck that covered that year he’d just deposited in the bank.

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