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Wednesday, June 1, 2011

From "Storm World: Speaker Of The Gods" by Jonathan DeCoteau

Storm World: Speaker Of The Gods
John David, leader of the Knights Of The End Times, exposes the true nature of his apocalyptic order:

“I didn’t want to have to show you this yet, Samuel,” John said.

My hands shook and the light shook with them, falling down from carvings in the wall to catch the far corner of the room behind fallen piles of rock. The shaking rays of light caught rows of bodies, all wrapped in linen, except for the eyes, all mummified, some in kneeling positions, praying, some looking with empty eye sockets towards the ceiling as if it was the sun.

“What the—” I stuttered, backing up farther.

“Calm down, Samuel,” John urged, grabbing my wrist. “You don’t understand. Your family’s not who you think they are.”

I tugged my wrist loose, bruising it in the process. “I think I could’ve figured that out without seeing a hundred dead bodies,” I yelled.

“These bodies were here long before I came along, Samuel. Some are from the last flood and some from the old fire,” John insisted. “And some are older, much older. They are your ancestors and what became of them is exactly what will happen to you and your neighbors if your town doesn’t listen to what I have to say.”

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